*************YOU GUYS!!!!***************
I have super duper supercalifragilisticexpialidocious news. So I've sent out 6 queries for my first novel. I have been trying for YEARS to get this published. YEARS! We've been through a lot together. Friends, jobs, tears, and revisions. Not to mention all the countless awful queries. Like extremely awful.
Down to the nitty gritty.
If any of you writers are pursuing the publishing industry like me you KNOW how huge this is.
A few things though. A: the agent didn't say "you're query is really buff! I gotta read your book."
No. B: In fact, this agent says, "I really don't read Fantasy." C: "BUT I'm intrigued by how you described your book."
***AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH****** (Insert heavy breathing into a brown paper bag)
Now now now. I acted like I've done this before. Cool as Larry, I quickly replied with a thank you and the first 25 pages of my novel.
I'm jittery and pretty much on an emotional high. So I keep telling myself, "this could be nothing." I'm also a crazy optimistic. "This could be the beginning."
So there you have it folks. It wasn't my query.
It was my enticing skills. Just kidding. It was the small paragraph at the beginning of my email stating why I chose this agent and a one sentence sum up highly dumb-downed (for lack of better words) point of my novel.
Anyways I'm off to slightly celebrate and pray a little bit more. It's amazing what hard work and faith will get you.
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